Chef Desimonae Anderson, known as “Chef Desi” is no stranger to the world of cooking. Hailing from Baton Rouge, Louisiana this Creole cooking master received an early start in the kitchen by helping her grandmother prepare family meals.
The Owner & Founder of Gumbo & Jazz in East Lansing, MI started her company in 2007 as a way to help rehabilitate her husband after a stroke, and to earn extra money. Within (3) years she had branched out into catering, and the rest has just fallen into place.
For almost (20) years she has been one of the best kept secrets inside the music business, having prepared meals at the request of many music luminaries including Pulitzer Prize winner & NEA Jazz Master Wynton Marsalis. Her love of music and her Louisiana heritage, has lead her to launch a unique menu selection which often pairs jher food with specific music selections around the world.
Chef Desi